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Muhammad Ramzan
发布日期:2024-09-06  浏览次数:

Email: ramzanmuhammad@ujs.edu.cn

Address:301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, China 212013

A motivated Associate Professor at Jiangsu University since December, 2023 with excellent educational credentials to work in a dynamic environment where continuous improvement is the core philosophy to attain the common objective of the organization and employee development, achieving early career researcher and has an excellent track record in both research and teaching in Economics, Commerce and Management. Collaborate with faculty and students across different departments to conduct interdisciplinary research.

Research Field & Interest

1.International Trade

2.Energy Economics, Green Finance, and Environmental Economics

Educational Profile:

2020.1-2023.11               Postdoctoral Fellowship School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu    University PR China.

2015.09-2019.12          Economics (PhD) Institute of International Economics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.

2014.09-2015.07        One Year Chinese Language Course at Nankai University, Tianjin, PR, China.

2011.09-2014.03       Masters in Commerce Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

2006.09-2010.07       Bachelor in Commerce BZ University, Multan, Pakistan.

Research Publications:

1)Muhammad Ramzan., Bin Sheng., Muhammad Shahbaz., Jian Song., Zhilun Jiao., ‘Impact of trade openness on GDP Growth: Does TFP matter?  The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (SSCI), Vol 28, Issue 8, Pages 960-995 (2019). DOI .10.1080/09638199.2019.1616805. 

2)Muhammad Ramzan, Yao HongXing*, Qamar Abbas, Sumbal Fatima,

Rana Yassir Hussain Role of Institutional Quality in Debt-Growth Relationship in Pakistan: An Econometric Inquiry, Heliyon Journal (Elsevier), 2023.

3)Bateer Chen; Sumbal Fatima; Muhammad Ramzan* and Qamar Abbas (2020) “Impact of Openness on Economic Growth: Analyzing the Role of Human Capital”. Sage Open Journal (SSCI) October-December 2020: 1–18, DOI: 10.1177/2158244020967377.

4)Muhammad Ramzan, Yao HongXing *, Qamar Abbas, Sumbal Fatima; Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Digital Infrastructure and Public Debt: A Study of G20 Countries", Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (SSCI), 2023

5)Muhammad Ramzan., Bin Sheng., Fatima Sumbal., Zhilun Jiao., (2019). Impact of FDI on economic growth in developing countries: The Role of Human Capital. The Seoul Journal of Economics (Scopus and ESCI indexed journal). Vol. 32, Number 3, August (2019)

6)Bin Sheng; Sumbal Fatima; Muhammad Saqib Irshad; Muhammad Ramzan* (2019) “Impact of openness on economic growth in developing countries”: European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences (ISI) Vol. 8, No 3 pp. 411-425

7)Abbas Qamar, Lee Jun Qing; Muhammad Ramzan, Sumbal Fatima (2021) “Role of governance in a debt-growth relationship: evidence from panel data estimations” published in Sustainability journal (SSCI).

8)Yousaf Latif Ge Shunqi, Shahid Bashir, Wasim Iqbal, Salman Ali, Muhammad Ramzan, OVID-19 and stock exchange return variation: empirical evidence from econometric estimation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI) volume 28, pages 60019–60031 (2021).

9)Financial development and public debt. Estimating the role of institutional qualityAbbas Qamar, Muhammad Ramzan, Sumbal Fatima Theoretical and Applied Economics Volume XXIX (2022), No. 3(632), Autumn, pp. 5-26.

10)Bin Hu, Shoaib Asim, Muhammad SibteAli, Muhammad Qasim Javaid, Muhammad Ramzan, Exploring the relationships between attitudes toward emission trading schemes, artificial intelligence, climate entrepreneurship, and sustainable performance, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-29051-1

11)Muhammad Ramzan, Yao HongXing *, Qamar Abbas, Sumbal Fatima; Moving towards Environmentally Sustainable Society through Technological Innovation: A Moderating Role of Public Debt in G20 Countries, MDPI, Sustainability, (2023), Accepted for publication.

12)Muhammad Ramzan, Yao HongXing *, Qamar Abbas, Sumbal Fatima; Greening the Economy through Digitalization and Innovation: Mediating Role of Public Debt in G20 Countries. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section: Environmental Informatics and Remote Sensing, (2023), provisionally accepted for publication.

13)Qamar Abbas, Yao HongXing *, Muhammad Ramzan Sumbal Fatima BRICS and the Climate Challenge: Navigating the Role of Factor Productivity and Institutional Quality in CO2 Emissions Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023.


·Presented a paper titled Impact of trade Liberalization on economic growth in developing countries: Does Physical Capital Formation matter? co-authors, Sheng Bin, Fatima Sumbal and Abdullah, at the 435th International conferences on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1st - 2nd Aug, 2018

·Presented a paper titled Impact of trade openness on economic growth in developing countries: Does capital stock matter? co-authors, Sheng Bin, Fatima Sumbal and Abdullah, at the 2018 4th International Conference on Creative Education (ICCE 2018) held on June15-17, 2018, Liverpool, UK.

·Attended the conference namely, Seventh International Conference on Economics and management Sciences sponsored by COMSATS Islamabad Pakistan: Aug, 2015.

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